Content in this post are mostly personal opinions and preferences, and are not based on facts or deep researches. But they are fine choices and still put posts in this blog. So I don’t use AI to form this place. It doesn’t mean I’m not using any writing helper to create better posts but none of them come close to whatever an AI is capable of to. Indeed, if you read texts careful enough you’ll notice enormous mistakes and phrases with critical need for a review :)

Which well… a language model could detect and fix many of them easily, it can suggest more beautiful words or even rewrite a whole paragraph in a 2 times pleasant way. Specially for me, who uses English as a second (third?) language and coming from a right-to-left language background with a totally different grammar structure. By these things being said, any sane mine would think a proper tool chain of LMs are exactly the first thing I need to start a blog. Properly using a capable AI model will clearly improve my posts quality and attracts more audience. I’d love that! I’d love to write best posts possible, but still no thanks, this blog is man-made!

So why?

Because it’s how it must be! A personal weblog must feel like and represent one. A good weblog reflects the soul of writer into posts and doesn’t matter how broken the heart, words must mint with warmth of a heart.

Let’s be honest, we don’t read a blog because it’s the most well written text on internet, otherwise we would have read from Shakespeare, or before following any blog we were checking whether the author has a PhD in linguistics related fields or not. But rather we read a blog because we like to read from those people, to understand the person behind those texts and realize how they think and what’s in their mind. We enjoy reading a blog because it’s written by someone like ourselves, someone we can connect to, and see similarities and differences. We sit and start reading to feel the words and spirit of the blog; the more touchable, the better.
And that’s possible because every human is unique.
Unique in a way that our brain can feel it and notice the differences.

Anyone has their own word domain, favorite words and phrases.
Any human’s talking and writing manner is unique to themselves and originated from their culture, environment, and morality.
Sometimes people aren’t in their best mood.
Sometimes we aren’t as focused as always and just doesn’t feel to be in our prime and this is completely OK, and it’s sensible in posts we write.

Personally, when I read a post like this, I smile and keep reading.
Because when clicking on My favorite Android apps in 2024 I’m not looking for perfection.
When I’m reading someone’s preferred way of managing DNSs which is written passionately or when taking a glance at their honest opinions about global warming I don’t give a penny about harmony in their text.
Although using beautiful words makes the content more charming but when caused by AI, it’s worthless and instantly destroys my intimacy and will to read rest of the post.
Thinking this way, why should I read something that no one bothered to write?

Then what?

To be honest, I trust posts I read from people to be original and accept they contain flaws, and want to believe people reading this post are sharing same mindset.
That’s why I don’t use artificial inelegance services at any stage of creating this blog and won’t sacrifice dignity for better appearance.
These posts are written in Neovim with internal spellchecker enabled.
Grammar and other dictate matters are checked by a self-hosted LanguageTool style and grammar checker.
And that’s all.

Thanks for reading; please let me know what do you think.
Good luck.