
Telegram is not just a messenger or even a social media site; it is more like a massive bookmark manager where every group,  channel or personal chat you have with fellows is just a bookmark on a special topic. Sometimes you’re the audience for these  bookmarks, and sometimes you’re the one in charge. There is also another type of accounts/bookmarks  on Telegram, which you can either create or use. Called telegram Bots.

A bot is basically just a service running as a backend and using Telegram as its frontend. Probably you’ve already encountered some of these special accounts; they’re known for being useful and have the keyword bot at the end of their usernames (unless in rare cases). These bots are capable of doing lots of amazing stuff, such as searching for music, downloading videos from YouTube, being a crypto wallet, etc. However, these bots are pretty limited and can’t perform most of the tasks; for example, they can’t send a message to a group unless they have administrator privileges or can’t start a conversation with other people. Fortunately, there’s a solution for it…

We create UserBots! This way no one knows if they’re talking to a human or an LLM. userbots are like normal bots, but instead of using a bot account, we place the bot behind a normal user account (the one you create by providing a phone number). userbots are capable of doing whatever you can, or even more ;)

In this post, I go through creating a very basic userbot, so we understand how to have one in our pocket.


get API ID and hash

telegram likes to see these bots as different telegram clients, therefore you need to create an APP on their website and get our unique development ID:

  1. Login to your Telegram account
  2. click on API development tools
  3. fill your new application information (first two fields are enough)
  4. Click on Create application at the end


your API ID and API hash are secret and telegram won’t let you revoke them.


you can use this API with any phone number.

set-up development environment

It’s possible to create such an application using the telegram core API, but here we’re using a Python package called Telethon which does a lot of magic and makes life much easier. It’s a very straight forward library and lets you focus on developing ideas.

We begin by installing the latest version of Telethon, firstly let’s create a python virtual environment

python -m venv /path/to/virtual/environment

Then we enter the VE by sourcing the bin/activate script, it is available for different shells. activate for Bash and Zshell, for fish:

source ~/Desktop/python/env/userNot/bin/activate

now install telethon using pip and check if it’s installed:

pip install --upgrade telethon
python -c "import telethon; print(telethon.__version__)"

Dive into coding


So what’s the final goal? In the end of the post we have created a bot which goes onto a complex chat, like a super group with topics, and sends specified messages at specified times in the desired topic.

Now let’s import all modules we’re going to use:

from telethon import TelegramClient
from asyncio import sleep, create_task, gather
from time import sleep as tsleep

So let’s see, what is the very first thing we do before using telegram? We log in using information like phone number and 2FA password (if enabled). Use TelegramClient class to create the instance of a client. Then use the start method to log in to your account:

# define necessary variables
# fill with your own info
api_id = 1234
api_hash = "1234"
phoneNumber = "+1234"
password2FA = "1234"
session = "/full/path/to/.session/file"

# connect to telegram
client = TelegramClient(session, api_id, api_hash) # the first parameter is name of the .session file, it can be absolute path
client.start(phone=phoneNumber, password=password2FA)

if it’s first login or script doesn’t fine the aghaz.session file it will ask for authentication code sent to you.

finding topic

It’s time to choose a topic to send message, but there is a point, topics don’t really exits. They’re just visual candies in Telegram official client to organize chats. There is no API to interact with topics directly and if you send a message it will appear in a random topic, which isn’t what we want. One solution is to reply to a message from that topic, in this scenario our message will be sent in topic of the message we’re replying to:

async def get_initial_message():
    async for theMessage in client.iter_messages(entity=chatEntity):
        if theMessage.from_id.user_id == userID:
            return theMessage

First, we create the coroutine, which suppose to find and return the message object of the message we know is sent in the topic. You can use any pattern to get the correct message, here we’re looking for message of a user we know their last message is in our desired topic, or we can simply send a test message in that topic, either way the new message that bot sends will reply this last message and being sent in wanted topic.

set timing

Now we should create a scheduler for our bot:

# determine how many seconds later the message should be sent
def time_to_sleep(**kwargs) -> int:
    current_hour, current_minute = time.gmtime().tm_hour, time.gmtime().tm_min
    time_difference = (kwargs["postAtHour"] - current_hour) * 60 + (kwargs["postAtMinute"] - current_minute)
    if time_difference < 0:  # check if message is scheduled for today or tomorrow 
        time_difference += 1440
    return time_difference * 60

this function calculates the amount of time we have to wait for the message to be sent in seconds. note that time must be given in UTC and 24H and decimal format (.e.x 22:8).

send a message

Now we have everything needed to pass to the final coroutine, including message we need to reply plus message(s) and time(s) they should be sent:

# send the planned message on time
async def sending_message(to_reply, **kwargs) -> None:
    await sleep(time_to_sleep(**kwargs))
    return await to_reply.reply(kwargs["message"])

This function takes the message (object) to be replayed on it and one element of the dictionary containing our information.

run it

And finally establish the main coroutine:

async def main():
	 # get the message to reply on
    initial_message = await get_initial_message()
	 # main loop which keep the bot running
    while True:
        # create a list of coroutines to execute
        tasks = []
        for i in range(len(SCHEDULED_MESSAGE)):
            tasks.append(sending_message(initial_message, **SCHEDULED_MESSAGE[i]))

        new_message_to_reply = await gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=False)
        initial_message = new_message_to_reply[-1]  # update initial message

And that’s it, it’s all we need to send a scheduled message in telegram. Now we should create an event loop and execute the main() coroutine:

if __name__ == "__main__":

So the code will be running unless an exception occurs.


set up the script

in the following, I show you a way to run your script on a Linux server. This is not considered as best practice, but does what we need in the scope of this article. Firstly, let’s copy the script on the server. All the code explained here is available on my Codeberg, so you can simply clone it on server using git clone

Now change the value of initial variables with your own information and create a virtual environment as explained before, then install required dependencies. As an additional step, you should specify which interpreter must be used to run the script using shebang(#!). All you need is to address the python interpreter in your virtual environment using this syntax:


for me, it looks like this:


automate it

Right now you can simply execute the program, and it will work, but if anything interrupts the execution process, like a server reboot bot, it will stop working. One way to solve this is to run the script as a Daemon. A daemon is just a service running in the background and managed by a system and service manager, Systemd in the majority of modern Linux systems. In order for Systemd to manage our bot and keep it running, we need to create a system unit for our service. A system unit is a set of instructions which let Systemd know how to run the bot. Create an unit file by running this command, which creates /etc/systemd/system/aghaz.service and writes down necessary text to it.

printf "[Unit]\nDescription=Aghaz the automatic telegram message sender\\n\n[Service]\nExecStart=/root/lyam/\nType=simple\nRestart=always\nRestartSec=1\n\n[Install]\\" > /etc/systemd/system/aghaz.service


If you open the file, must see something like this:

Description=Aghaz the automatic telegram message sender



I’m not going to explain every line of this unit file here (man page) but it requires you to change the value of ExecStart= and set full path to where your main python file is located.

To tell Systemd to read our unit file, we need to issue the following command:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

we can enable and start our system service using following syntax:

sudo systemctl enable SERVICE-NAME.service
sudo systemctl start SERVICE-NAME.service

in our case, the service name is aghaz.service, so I will run the following commands:

sudo systemctl enable aghaz.service
sudo systemctl start aghaz.service

Let’s check the status of service we just created, since my service is aghaz.service, I will change it accordingly. Bellow is the output of checking if the service is enabled and running:

$ systemctl is-enabled aghaz.service

$ systemctl is-active aghaz.service

As the output suggest, our service is running and will start automatically in a reboot.

Final thoughts

By using Telethon you can develop ideas on Telegram easily up to far limitations. I tried to explain the process of creating a very basic userbot and explaining the what and why of steps I took in a correct manner and avoid making any shape of complexity. Now you should be able to read the Telethon official reference and learn deeper into what Telegram have to offer.

Thanks for reading; please let me know what do you think. Good luck.